We are ClevercodeTech, a technology company focusing on software solution and services. We provide software solution for companies, small businesses and for individuals.
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Web Design

Our goal is to provide simple and elegant solution that satisfies your need. We support wide range of web development from database management to single page web applications.


Mobile Application

We believe in providing complete solution to our customer. Any website with a mobile app is a addon to user experience. We recommend to have app to go with your website.


Graphic Design

Graphic design plays important role in building a business. We offer one stop solution for building brand identity, from logos to art works that compliments your website.

Php React Mysql Aws

  • Content creation

    We provide any content that are required for your website. Content includes any articles, images, graphic design or logo that are part of your website.

  • Brand Identity

    Important part of a startup or any new business in brand identity, we believe website is an extension of brand identity. Many of the aspects of website design will be based on customers brand identity. We work closely with customer to achieve this goal.

  • Capabilities

    We develop websites ranging from single page applications to pages that demands sphosticated data management and content delivery. e.g booking websites, shopping websites and student information system.


  • Logo

    Logo creates a brand image and conveys message about your business. Logo establishes familiarity and trust between customer and the business owner. With your input we design logos based on two key principles clarity and instant recognition.

  • Art works

    Artworks in a website convey mood of your business. We believe artworks adds holisitc experince to customers who visit your website. Customers prespective about your business will improve based on art works.

  • Capabilities

    We have creative minds with our company. We come up with new ideas and inspiration quite often. we are quite confident to statisfy with our artworks.


  • Responsive design

    A study showed mobile contributed about 37% of total internet traffic in 2017. Same study next year showed the usage jumped from 37% to 42%. As a business owner we can no longer ignore the importance of websites are mobile friendly. We keep this in mind while designing websites.

  • Companion App

    We recommend customers to include mobile apps for their website. It will be a companion app to your website which is already mobile friendly. We believe mobile applications enhances the user experience. We certainly believe it will improve your brand recognition and customer reach.

  • Capabilities

    We are capable of developing Android and ios applications.